Whisky Pinwinnie Royale
A great example of ‘blend’ ancient Scottish tradition. We speak of a true pioneer in the history of whiskey.
Created in the Scottish area of the same name, has its roots in the lavish distillation of ‘magic potions’ being made by monks in the area for the soldiers of King David I of Scotland, and in the very remote XII century.
Time after passing of the original distillery that of Inverhouse Pinwinnie was discontinued for a while until being rescued by a Thai firm, ThaiBev, having several distilleries from Southeast Asia to China, Poland, France, Ireland and Scotland itself.
With its honey-sweet scent captured in pale gold, and its striking presence, has always captivated everyone who has tried it. Today is a rarity in the market.
hola me dirijo a ustedes para informarme sobre este articulo.tal q me regalaron uno y me gustaria saber q valor tiene y si se puede vender aca en uruguay.
garias y les agradesco el interes
hola me gustaria saver que fecha de vencimiento tiene esta licor.
muchas gracias.
eu tenho um wisky desse ae lacrado, e quero vender
Eu tenho uma garrafa de 1977 lacrada. Quero vender.